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  Products > Email-Access Software > Appendix B, Import/Export Specs
Appendix B - Import/Export Specs:
Import/Export Specifications for Fixed-Width Text files
An Access Export Specification defines the layout used to import and export fixed-width text files from Access. Since the Automatic Email system exports comma delimited and fixed-width text files for uploading to the Host EMC2 system, this specification must be present prior to successfully exporting fixed-width text files. No export specification is required for comma-delimited text files. The Email.MDB database file contains the details for the three Export Specifications below. The Import/Export Setup that provides the process to configure the specifications can be activated by:
   Select the Database Container
   Select "File", then "Imp/Exp Setup"

The Import/Export Specs defined below are specifically referenced by the internal programming of Email-Access. If one is missing and you attempt to use that output width, an error will be reported and the export will fail. For your ready reference, the specific Export Specification settings for fixed-width text files are defined below. The are all basically the same specification with the exception of the Width of the first and only field referenced.

File Type = Windows (ANSI) for all specs below. All other settings other than the ones outlined below are ignored by the import process. The displayed defaults are fine.

Specification Name - Email Export 78
Field Name = Data, Data Type = Text, Start = 1, Width = 78

Specification Name - Email Export 130
Field Name = Data, Data Type = Text, Start = 1, Width = 130

Specification Name - Email Export 255
Field Name = Data, Data Type = Text, Start = 1, Width = 255
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