System Maintenance:
Provides access to system/default configuration settings
and User Lists and Groups definitions. Also has buttons
for Importing Control tables data from a previous version
of Email-Access. You can clear out the work tables
to conserve disk drive space.
System Parameters
Modifies the global system settings and default configuration.
When the Email-Access database is opened up, the system
initializes itself. These settings are used at that
time to configure the system for normal operation.
For example, the Default Directory is specified here
to identify the directory used to import or export
emails. When these settings are modified, the system
saves them in a config table for permanent storage
and re-use. Many of these settings can be modified
for each type of email being processed. For example,
the File Name Prefix may be different for each email
format, one can have MAIL and one can have OUT. This
will differentiate the emails in the directory. Refer
to Appendix A for details about each configuration
Re-Initialize System
Performs the system initialization to clear out any
internal settings in case the system hangs up for some
reason. During normal operation of the system, you
should not need to perform this process at all. The
system automatically initializes itself upon entry
into the software. Initialization of the Emc2 software
will occur when uploading or downloading of email data
is required. This process is a way to clear out the
system and start fresh, without having to exit and
re-execute the software.
User Names
You can Add, Delete or Change an Email User Name. User
Names are used to address email data to a specific
recipient or group of recipients. For example, you
may have a User Name of J.McCloskey that defines a
specific person to receive this email. You can also
specify a distribution list such as &MyGroup that would
send the same email to many different users. It is
advisable to manage the distribution lists using Emc2.
This way, you have one place to keep track of the members
of these groups of email users. You must spell the
name correctly, exactly as used in the Emc2 system.
This table of users is used to Link to the email data
based on a key field. Once they are linked, all of
the user information is available to the system. Any
Carbon Copies or Blink Copies found will be appended
to the emails generated for that Email User.
User Groups
These are collections of User Names as defined above
or Distribution Lists. One or more users may be defined
in a User Group. This allows you the convenience of
sending the email to one item that will automatically
send the email to all parties.
This feature is currently not implemented into the
system. It is advisable to use Emc2 to manage your
distribution lists rather than Email-Access. This will
provide for a single source of distribution list data.
You can address your emails to a distribution list
by using an ampersand (&) as the first character before
the distribution list name.
Import Control Tables
When a new version of Email-Access is distributed or
purchased by you, you will need to import all of the
data resident in the control tables from the old version
to the new version. This is accomplished by, first
renaming the original Email.mdb to EmailOld.mdb. Then
install the new version into the same directory, the
file name will be Email.mdb. Open up the new version,
and process this function and the system will prompt
you to enter the backup database name (old version).
When this is correctly input, the system will copy
the data from the old version into the new one.
The control tables are subdivided into groups and you
will be prompted to process each particular group.
The groups of tables are defined below:
Master Data Tables - Batches, Multi-Batches, Users,
Reference Tables - Import Forms, Import Actions, Field
Formats, etc.
System Configuration Table - This is the table that
holds the System Parameters.
Clear Transaction Log
This process will delete all of the current records
in the Transaction Log table (tblEmailTransLog). Only
new transactions will appear in this table. There is
an automatic delete feature of Email-Access. Any log
records older then seven (user configurable) days will
automatically be deleted when the system is started.
Every time you open the database, the system checks
for any log records older than seven days and deletes
them. This way the system will not become overloaded
with useless data. If you desire, you can copy out
the transaction logs and preserve them in an archive.
Clear Address Log
The system keeps a record of each email imported relative
to the address detail. This data is saved in a separate
table and is a record of emails received. Periodically,
you may want to copy this data to an archive and then
clear out the records. This process will delete all
records in the address log table (tblEmailImportAddresses).
Clear All Work Tables
This function will clear out the Transaction Log, Address
Log and other temporary tables used by Email-Access.
You may want to perform this activity prior to creating
a backup of the system. Remember that no data is actually
removed from the database until you Compact it. Check
MS-Access Help for details on compacting databases.
Future Enhancements:
Sending Word and Excel documents and charts via EMC2
for Windows?
Enable other Email Server software, not just Emc2.
Develop Internet Email interface.