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  Products > Email-Access Software
Email-Access is a windows based software product developed by Input Output, Inc. that will automate the importing and exporting of email data to and from PC based databases.  

Email-Access' Export feature can take data in any ODBC compliant database, format it, create one or more emails and send it.  The Import functionality can extract data from one or more emails and place the data into any database.

Email is utilized by companies small and large that typically have data processing facilities and a defined geographic area that defines their territory. Possibly thousands of employees use email to communicate with all of the other employees in the company. As you may have already realized, email has become a way to gather and distribute information throughout the company. Email-Access provides the gateway necessary to bridge the gap between your email system and PC environments.

Providing seamless integration with the host-based email system and the PC environment is the greatest strength of Email-Access. The host-based email can be used to gather and/or distribute data with employees in remote locations, employees without PC’s, corporate wide. The PC environment can be utilized to capture, graphically analyze and display the email data for management purposes including:
   Record keeping
   Measurement and Display, Trend Analysis
   Data Archiving
   Centralized Control

Email-Access integrates the latest technologies to provide a simple to use, user-friendly interface to very powerful and complex processing capabilities. The full assortment of Microsoft Windows’ Graphical User Interface functionality is utilized to provide standard, flexible menu options and methods. Standard picklist and selection list fields are utilized. A hierarchical menu design has been implemented for ease of use and training purposes.

Email "Forms" have been implemented in email software throughout the industry. These Forms provide the ability to capture and display formatted email data in a way that is user friendly. This facility also provides the static (fixed) placement of data allowing the extraction of that data mechanically. Email-Access utilizes this method to automatically interrogate emails, extract the data and place that data into a table.

Currently, the Email software that is supported by Email-Access is Emc2/TAO from Fisher. Email-Access "talks" to Emc2/TAO in order to upload and download emails. The emails that are processed through Email-Access are formatted according to the Emc2 mainframe software requirements. The integration of Email-Access with other email systems is being considered for future implementation.

Other Email-Access Features:
   Status Box - displays to the user all activity as it occurs keeping you informed of progress
   Transaction Log - system logs all activity, includes automatic delete process for old data
   Error Handling - Handles all errors with appropriate messages to take corrective action
   Custom Configuration - Each type of email can be customized for that specific format
   Table Based Setup and Config - All details of import/export automation is saved in tables

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