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Email Export
This facility allows you to create formatted emails and upload them to the email software. Once the email(s) are uploaded, they are mailed to their respective recipients. In one step, the emails will be formatted, created and exported into text files on the PC. Then these same text files will be uploaded into the windows email software, essentially mailing them.

The source of data for these emails resides in tables. Tables contain the data that is interrogated and arranged into email format. The tables can be internal MS-Access tables or they can be "Attached" to the database. This provides for the use of other DBMS formatted databases with Email-Access. All major DBMS formats are supported. ODBC may be employed to further open the connectivity options.

Tables/Queries to Supply Data to Auto Email Export
Email Users
Email Users are defined as the destination party of emails that are exported and uploaded. It could be the name of a specific Email User, a Conference Board or Bulletin Board. Conference Boards can also have Topics. These Topics are a way of sub-grouping all of the letters in a particular Conference Board. This is the way to address the emails generated by the system.

You can configure the system to automatically append Carbon Copies and/or Blind Copies for any Email User by using the Email Users List accessed through System Maintenance. This form allows you to add specific Email Users that are intended recipients of email data generated. Along with the UserName and Topic, you can specify one or more CC and BC parties, separating them with a comma and a space (J.McCloskey, John.Doe, Mary.Lamb). When emails are being prepared, the system automatically attempts to lookup the UserName or UserID specified as the first field of email data. If it is found, any additional address information will be utilized. If the Email User is not found, then no additional information is used.

Email Source Data
On the Manual Export form, there are two fields that are used to specify the source of data used to generate emails from,
   Table/Query - contains the list of tables and user defined queries contained in the database for     you to select from.
   Data SQL - allows you to specify a custom SQL statement rather than using a table or     predefined query. You MUST use a SELECT SQL statement for this field, no update queries are     permitted such as DELETE or UPDATE.

Source Data Fields
When using the Export Type of One to One, the first few fields referenced in the source of data used to create emails are special. They can be used to link the email data to an Email User to retrieve additional address information such as Carbon Copies and/or Blind Copies).
The first field name must be UserName or UserID. This field can contain either the UserID or the UserName as defined in the Email Users List. The system will automatically attempt to lookup the Email User in the Email User List (accessed through System Maintenance) for any additional address information related to that specific Email recipient (User). If the Email User is not found, no additional address information will be utilized other than the Topic as described below.

The second field name of Topic may optionally be used to specify a specific Topic for Conference Boards. If a UserName, referencing a Conference Board, is specified more than once in the Email User List, you must specify a Topic to separate the two. This UserName and Topic combination can be referenced in the Email User List and the email data to export to retrieve additional address information. As above, if the Conference Board and Topic combination is not found in the Email User List, no additional information will be used.

Data Columns
The field names resulting from the execution of the Table/Query or Data SQL will be used as column headings (if specified) for the detail lines generated by the email system. Each column of detail data is evaluated to determine the width of each column. The field name of each column is considered when determining the width. Try to use short and abbreviated field names in your queries. You can change the field name generated by a query by placing a unique field name followed by a colon in front of the field expression in the Access query design window. For example, lets say you have a field named "CustomerName" and you wanted to abbreviate it to shorten the column width. You would then insert the shortened field name in front of the existing field name, "CustName: CustomerName" (not including the double quotes).

Manual Export Form
This form is the primary window used to supply configuration information and generate emails to be exported and optionally uploaded. When this information is saved, it is given a name supplied by the user and becomes an Export Batch. Each Export Batch defined on the Manual Export form consists of a named, predefined setup including:
    Export Type - Always One to One (UserName supplied in email source data)
    A table, query or SQL used as the source of data for the email(s)
    A Subject line explaining the purpose of the email(s)
    Optional Opening and/or Closing that would appear in each email generated
    Additional Configuration information (refer to Appendix A for details)

This information is located in the Manual Export form displayed when you select Add or Edit from the Export Batch List form or Manual Export from the Email Export Menu.

Menu Options
Displays a list of the pre-configured Export Multi-Batches available in the system. Multi-Batches are used to provide the for the automated execution of multiple Export Batches. With the press of a button, you can export and upload email data from different applications with no user intervention. You can Add new Multi-Batches, Delete or Edit existing Multi-Batches, or execute a Multi-Batch from this list.

Export Batch
A list of the pre-configured Export Batches available in the system is displayed. Export Batches are used to provide the for the automated execution of a single email configuration (Batch). Here is where you specify the data to be used for emails to be generated. With the press of a button, you can export and upload email data as specified in the saved Batch with no user intervention. You can Add new Batches, Delete or Edit existing Batches, or execute a Batch from this list.

Manual Export
Displays the Email Manual Export window. This is where you will define the specific details required by the system to automatically create, export and upload emails from the system for a specified set of data. This information including the configuration settings, once saved, represent an Export Batch.An Export Batch can export and upload one or more emails as defined by the number of users referenced with the data defined to the Batch.

Upload Emails
Allows you to manually upload text, email formatted files on your PC into the email server software. When this occurs successfully, the emails are then "mailed" to their respective recipients. You can specify the Upload Type:
    One File - A specific file can be uploaded, containing one email.
    Directory of Files - Specify a path (including wildcards) of files to be uploaded. One or more
     files will be automatically uploaded and mailed.
    Table of Files - Uses a table to supply the file names to use for uploading. The first field of the      table must contain the entire file name to be uploaded. If no path is supplied, only a file name,      the system will automatically prefix the file name with the Default Directory specified in the      default system configuration.

Auto Delete After Upload - You may also specify to have the uploaded file deleted. After successful completion of the uploading process, the file will be deleted. This prevents that same file from being uploaded again. This is also a positive indication that the PC file was successfully uploaded. If an error occurs with the upload, the file is NOT deleted.

View Last Export
Displays a form containing the last email imported into the system. The email is as it was when it was imported as a text file. The Import and Export process both use the same table for handling emails. If the last operation performed in the system was an import, you will see that email and not the last exported.

View Transaction Log
Displays the table containing the Email Transaction Log. Email-Access keeps an ongoing log of all system activity. The system automatically scrolls you to the last record added to the table (the last transaction to occur).


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