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Install & Config
  Products > Email-Access Software > Installation and Configuration  

Web Download Installation
The Email-Access software can be acquired via the internet (web) in a Demo or Evaluation version.  Simply run the normal setup software as with most Windows based applications.  In this case, the setup software will ask you what directory to install the Email-Access software into, if this directory does not already exist, it will be created for you.  Following the Automated installation process you can access Email-Access from your "Start" menu (in the task bar at the bottom of your screen).  Click Programs and then Email-Access.

Diskette Installation

The Email-Access software is delivered on 3.5" diskette(s) in two forms, Setup Disks or Copy Disks depending on your installation. If you already own Microsoft Access, installation is quite easy (Copy Disks). Simply create a directory on the hard drive or LAN drive and copy the MDB file from the Copy diskette into the new directory. If you do not own a copy of Microsoft Access, you must go through the normal setup software as with most Windows based applications (Setup Disks). In this case, the setup software will ask you what directory to install the Email-Access software into, if this directory does not already exist, it will be created for you.

It is assumed that you and/or the System Administrator is familiar with Windows, Microsoft Access and PCs in general. These instructions were written with the experienced PC user in mind, not for a novice user. If you are a novice user and have no System Administrator, you can contact Input Output, Inc. for assistance.

Upgrade Version
If the diskette you received has "Upgrade" printed on it or you are already running a previous version of Email-Access, then you must backup the original database before installing the new one. This will prevent you from overlaying the original data and allow you to import that data into the new version. All of the configuration information can be imported into the new copy of the application. Before installing the new version as described in the two procedures below, first you must rename the old copy of the database.
   Open File Manager (in the Main group within Program Manager)
   Select the drive and directory that your existing Email-Access software is located
   If you see a file named EMAIL.MDB single click on it to highlight it. If you do not have a file with     this name, skip this process and go directly to install the new version below.
   From the Pulldown menus, select File->Rename.
   In the TO field type EMAILOLD.MDB and press [Enter].
   Proceed with either process below to install the new version of Email-Access

Setup Disks Installation
   Insert the Email-Access Setup Disk into the A: (or B:) drive.
   From Program Manager, in the Pulldown menus, Select File, then Run
   Type in A:\SETUP and press Enter or the OK button
   Follow the instructions as presented to you by the setup software
   The Setup software will prompt you to specify the drive and directory to install to

Copy Disks Installation
   Insert the Email-Access Copy Disk into the A: (or B:) drive.
   From Program Manager, select the Main group, then double click the File Manager icon
   Select the hard drive you wish to install the software to by clicking the hard disk icons at the top     of the File Manager window.
   If you are upgrading from a previous version, the EMAIL directory should already be created. If     so, single click on it to select it. If not, select the directory that contains the old version of the     system. Then skip to step 7 below.
   Select the directory into which you will create a new directory to install the software into, usually     the root directory (example, C:\).
   From the Pulldown menus, select File, then Create Directory. Type in the new directory name to     create, usually EMAIL and press [Enter].
   Press the F8 key to perform a copy command. In the From field, type A:\*.*, in the To field type     C:\EMAIL\*.* and click the OK button or press Enter.
   File Manager will then copy the Email-Access software from the Copy diskette(s) into the new     directory. When the copy is completed, insert the next Copy diskette (if more than one) and     repeat step 7 for the balance of the Copy diskettes. When all of the diskettes have been copied,     remove the last diskette from the computer and continue with the next step.
   If the file(s) copied have an file extension of EXE, then these files are compressed self extracting     files. In File Manager, locate the copied file(s), usually in C:\EMAIL and double click on each one.     This will automatically expand the compressed files into their original file names, like EMAIL.MDB,     etc.
   To create an Icon in Program Manager for the Email-Access software, perform the following. This     step may not be necessary depending on the implementation of the software. If a front-end     application is implemented with Email-Access, you will probably not need to perform this step.     You System Administrator should know what to do to if you are not sure.
         In File Manager, select the Drive and Directory into which you just copied the Email-Access           software into. On the right hand side of the window you will see a list of files that consist of           the Email-Access software and documentation.
         Position the File Manager window so that you can see the Program Manager window behind           it with a group window visible into which you will place the new icon. You may have to           restore (un-maximize) File Manager as well as Program Manger to perform this.
         With the mouse click and hold the primary button on the file EMAIL.MDB. Then drag the           mouse over to the Program Manager window and release the mouse button (Drag and           Drop). Which ever group window you dropped the icon into will now have a new icon for the           Email-Access software.
         You can perform the previous step for the documentation files (file extension of .DOC) if you           are using Microsoft Word. If you do not use Word, you can import the documentation files           into your word processor using Microsoft Word 6.0 format.

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