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  Services > Custom PC Application Development

As evidenced by the quality and efficiency of the software products we sell, we can provide the same expertise to your own custom PC application requirements. From initial planning, to specification's development to application design, development and implementation, we have the background and experience to deliver products that exactly meet and exceed your needs. We understand the business aspect of application development, enabling us to bring to you PC software that satisfies your requirements, out of the box.

We pride ourselves on our ability to create applications that require a low training curve and generate a high output relative to manual effort. Easy to use user front ends are linked to complex data structures, enabling the user to take advantage of the Windows environment and the ability to reduce errors. Lookup tables are used to control user input options, ensuring that all data saved contains all of the necessary data and is relationally intact.

The applications we create contain the highest degree of Error Free Work possible achieving High End-User confidence in the system. Then, the employee can concentrate their time in analyzing the data rather than managing it. Many man hours are spent re-working data that was already input by someone else as in searching for correcting errors or manually collecting and repositioning data.

Standard Development Life Cycle Flowchart

We abide by the Standard Development Life Cycle methodology, when appropriate, for our larger projects.  For smaller projects, we use portions of the life cycle as appropriate.  We do not believe in spending a lot of time and money on extensive specifications development for small projects.  Larger projects require more detailed planning and specifications in order to manage the development efforts.

Take advantage of our enormous code base already tested and in use in most of our software products.  We have already done much of the grunt development work to fully automate any given process using various software products acting together as one.  For example, we already have programming code to fully automate outbound faxing of any printable image using Winfax.  This saves you from having to pay for that development and we simply reuse this code in your custom application.

Our experience ranges from large mainframe applications to Client/Server architecture LAN based systems to stand alone PC systems. This includes large-scale database development, application integration and turnkey system development as well as Web Site planning and development.

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