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  Services > Web, Internet, Intranet Services > Intranets

Intranets are internal web site(s) used to disseminate information throughout the company in a uniform and controlled manner. This same internal web site can be exposed to the Internet for global access to the corporate data. Full security is available to allow you to control who has access to what information. Many companies start with an Intranet and then move into the Internet, when the web site is ready for world wide exposure.

Intranets are excellent solutions to disseminating and gathering information throughout your company.  Rather than creating and distributing a software program for internal users you can develop the application once and everyone accesses it centrally.  No more distribution of updated software programs, technical support and maintenance on each users' PC.  One application in one central place, one set of code to manage.

Let us show you how you can save time and money as well as deliver a high level of quality throughout intranet solutions.

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