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Internet database Synchronization
  Services > Web, Internet, Intranet Services > Internet Database Synchronization

This method of web based database integration is designed for distributed turnkey applications using Microsoft Access and optionally SQL Server if required. Each of the end-users (Replica), the system administrator (Base Replica) and the developer (Design Master) posses a copy of the database application and are linked together into a Replica Set. Updates to the databases in the Replica Set are distributed in one of three scenarios.

    Data changes in one Replica are synchronized with the Hub Replica. These data changes are      then distributed throughout the members of the Replica Set as they connect and sync with the      Hub Replica.
    Design changes made in the Design Master are synchronized with the Hub Replica. As each      client Replica is synchronized with the Hub Replica, the design changes are distributed to all      members of the Replica Set.
    Data changes in a Partial or Child Replica (Laptop) are synchronized with their Parent Replica      (Desktop). Then the Parent Replica is synchronized with the Hub Replica.

There are other methods of providing updates to database information using Internet synchronization. These methods incur additional costs and administrative manpower to implement and manage. If you have an existing database platform that is not MS-Access, we can still provide the web database integration using other products. We can provide the ability for users to add, edit, delete and/or manipulate data using their familiar tools and in the background, provide Internet synchronization to keep the data up to date. Contact us for more details on your specific hardware/software and DBMS installation.

What is Database Replication?
    With Database Replication, you can create copies (replicas) of a database, disperse those      replicas to other users, and exchange modifications to the data and database structure among      the replicas.
    Synchronizers do the work of making connections and exchanging modifications among the      members of the replica set.
    There are many different synchronization options available, Synchronize on Demand (as needed      for Design Master), Scheduled Synchronization (for all replicas with data changes) and Sync on      Connect (for Laptops).
    There are three different synchronization methodologies, Locally (same PC), Direct (internal 
     LAN) and Indirect (Web and Laptops)

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