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  Products > Host-Access Software > Current Installations

Conrail - Freight Claims
The Host-Access system is currently implemented at the Conrail, Freight Claims office located in Buffalo, NY. Their system uses Host-Access to perform an immediate Waybill retrieval from RMS, MTY, and permanently record it in the database. This process is initiated by the press of a single button. It also contains a back-end process to perform batch uploads of completed Freight Claims records into the CSUCICS system, including error handling. This system has been in production for approximately 2 months. The Host-Access sub-system functions properly and reliably.

Conrail - National Customer Service Center (NCSC)
Host-Access has been implemented at the Conrail, NCSC office located in Pittsburgh, PA. Their system uses Host-Access to perform a batch upload of WFIS information and capture any errors that may occur. It then allows the End-Users to correct any errors detected and re-upload the data.

Conrail - CORE Price Management System
Host-Access is currently being considered for use in a new, large application to access host-based data for determining prices for rail transportation. There are many host systems and functions that will be utilized. This implementation will require immediate host retrievals of data for on-going pricing activity and a batch process to upload pricing information gathered.
How to Purchase?
Host-Access is exclusively sold and Licensed by Input Output, Inc. located in Warminster, PA. We look forward to working with you on closing the gap between PC and Mainframe systems. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or ideas. We appreciate your business.


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