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Host-Access Software Product

This product consists of the:

"Host Access" module

"Host Access Init" module

"Host" table

"Host Setup" table

"Host Actions" table (Developer version only)

"Host Table" form, including related Access Basic code (Developer version only) and will be known as and indicated throughout this document as "Host-Access software".

Host Forms
These "Forms" are collections of Host-Access table records assigned to handle a specific host screen or function. The forms are developed utilizing the Developer version of the Host-Access software to manipulate the host screens. The End-User version references these forms to provide seamless integration with the mainframe systems accessed. A collection of forms may represent a specific host application or a specific function within a host-based system.

Do not confuse the reference to forms with Microsoft Access Forms. Within Microsoft Access, forms are used to represent a window referencing data in a table. Host-Access forms are collections of records in the Host table.

Host Scenarios
These "scenarios" consist of a collection of Host Forms used to maneuver the host screen to the desired host-based function, then execute a different set of forms to upload or download data from the host. A Host Scenario can represent a specific host-based function. For example, Adding an employee to the corporate database can be one scenario. Another can be a series of host screens used to logon to a specific system and proceed to the main menu. Countless varieties of scenarios can be developed to automate host processes.

System Administrator
This is a single point of contact between Input Output and the client to administer and control the implementation of the Host-Access software. This person is responsible to ensure that the number of users utilizing the software matches the number of licenses purchased. This person should also be knowledgeable of the existing system into which Host-Access will be implemented.

The system administrator must be knowledgeable of the Host-Access product, how it basically works and how to implement it on a single PC or on a LAN. It is assumed that this person possess a good degree of knowledge of Microsoft Access.


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