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  Products > Protocol Management System > Licenses



There are three versions available for purchase.

Data Manager – Manages all data for Patients, Protocols, Institutions, etc. for all functions of the system as mentioned above including but not limited to creation and management of Protocols, IRB Management, Advanced Reporting, Financial Tracking and Statistical Analysis.

Patient/IRB Manager – Manages all data relative to Patients that are on one or more Protocols.  Includes Detailed Patient data, Assignment of Protocols, Test Results, Institution (IRB) Data and Protocol Amendments.

View Only – Provides read only access to Protocol and Patient data, Protocol Search and Eligibility Criteria functionality provided, intended for Doctor access to data.

See Features for more details on the above Versions.


Four types of licenses are available depending on the number of simultaneous users of the Software in your organization.  Installation and use of the Software is permitted ONLY within your organization and it’s affiliates as defined by the Purchase Agreement. You are NOT permitted to distribute, install or use the application, or portions thereof, on additional PC's and/or Networks outside of your organization nor any subsidiary companies.

Single User - You are granted one license of the Software (View Only, Patient Manager or Data Manager versions) to be installed onto one personal computer workstation. This license is designed to provide a single user the ability to utilize the Software in a production environment and to purchase additional user licenses.

Office Suite - 10 Users - You are granted up to 10 licenses of the Software (View Only, Patient Manager or Data Manager versions), in any combination, to be installed on any number of personal computer workstations. This license is designed to provide a small office the ability to utilize the Software in a production environment.

Location Suite - 250 Users - You are granted up to 250 licenses of the Software (View Only, Patient Manager or Data Manager versions), in any combination, to be installed on any number of personal computer workstations. This license is designed to provide medium to large clinical research organizations the ability to utilize the Software from multiple locations in a production environment.

Enterprise Suite - Unlimited Users - Provides unlimited use and unlimited distribution within your organization for all System functions, View Only, Patients Only and Data Manager processes.  Intended for large scale research facilities and pharmaceutical organizations with many locations.

 Contact us for Pricing, Demo and availability.



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