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Take a look at how the Protocol Management System can help you manage Patients and Protocols more effectively and with less effort, SAVING YOU ADDITIONAL LABOR COSTS!
   Manage All Data for Patients and Protocols
    including IRBs, Amendments, Test Results, Drug Doses, Toxicity, Serious Adverse Events, etc.
   Sophisticated Protocol Creation and Maintenance
   Patient Schedules by Protocol including Delays, Unscheduled Events and Calendars
   Document Management capabilities for PAPERLESS Patient and Protocol documentation
   IRB Annual Re-Approvals and Amendments Tracking and Management
   Eligibility Criteria Process for Easy Protocol selection based on Patient's requirements
   Adverse Events input and tracking including IRB Approvals
   Flowsheets and Advanced Management Reports
   Share Data via LAN and/or Internet (Web) with co-workers, Doctors, Patients, external contacts
   Secure access to Patient and Protocol data on LAN and/or Internet (Web)
   Remote Data Entry using internal LAN or Internet for Global Access
   Accounts Payable/Receivable Financials reporting for cost and income tracking
   Statistical Analysis Tools to enable high degree of data management capabilities
   Menus and Forms are well laid out into functional groups for ease of use
   Relational Database Design, easily links to your existing internal data
   And MORE . . .

Let us show you how the Protocol Management System can save you labor costs by reducing errors, increasing efficiency and providing easy search and retrieval functions. Advanced Patient schedules can be generated for Doctors, Pharmacies, etc. enabling you to better manage your Patients. Advanced management reports enable you to see what is happening with your patients and to provide analysis on the study results, as they occur. Document Management and Statistical Analysis capabilities are also available.

The Protocol Management System integrates the latest technologies to provide an easy to use, user-friendly interface to very powerful and complex processing capabilities. The full assortment of Microsoft Windows’ Graphical User Interface functionality is utilized to provide standard, flexible menu options and methods. Standard picklist and selection list fields are utilized to reduce manual effort and user errors. A hierarchical menu design has been implemented for ease of use and training purposes.

The Protocol Management System keeps track of each Patient on each Protocol via the Patient Schedule. As Protocol Events for a patient are completed, you enter the results of that event and it is permanently recorded into the database. You can Skip and Delay or Insert New protocol events as they occur during normal execution of the Protocol (In the real world!). The system keeps track of delays to specific events or to the entire patient schedule, so you don’t have to. The system even links to Microsoft Schedule to generate Calendars that you can view or print for the Patient.

The Protocol Management System was developed using Microsoft Access, the industries leading PC Database software product (Access not required *). MS-Access uses Visual Basic as it’s development language that is commonly known throughout the development industry. Since MS-Access internally supports Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), the Protocol Management System can be linked to your existing Patient data that is stored and used in another system. Information can be shared among various database management system (DBMS), as needed. This ability enables you to seamlessly integrate the Protocol Management System into your existing Patient management system.

Other Protocol Management System Features:
   Open Client/Server Architecture - modular design for today’s LAN environment
   Status Box - displays to the user all activity as it occurs. Keeps you informed of progress
   Transaction Log - system logs all activity, includes automatic delete process for old data
   Error Handling - Handles all errors with appropriate messages to take corrective action
   Custom Configuration - Each type of email can be customized for that specific format
   Table Based Setup and Config - All details of import/export automation is saved in tables

(*) Microsoft Access is not required to be installed or purchased to operate the software.  Access comes with a Runtime version that is used if you do not currently own MS-Access or MS-Office.


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