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  Products > Host-Access Software

Host-Access is a software product that bridges the gap between PC and Mainframe computers. It allows a PC to send or retrieve data to and from mainframe based systems. Host-Access delivers mainframe data to/from the PC platform that otherwise would not be directly accessible. Your employees will no longer have to struggle with host-based applications. No longer will you have to excessively train your employees on the many complicated and cumbersome host functions.

For example, to add an employee to the corporate mainframe database, the user typically must:
     Signon and Logon to the desired host system
     Enter a series of keystrokes to initiate a specific host function, add employees
     View the host data and re-keystroke it into your PC application OR
     View the data on the PC and re-keystroke it into the host system

Now, with the press of a button, the user will be logged on to the host system, the host screens will be manipulated by the Host-Access software to perform the specific host function, all automatically. The only training required in this scenario is in the use of the standard Windows-based application used to capture the new employee information.

Another great feature is that once you develop the Host-Access system to perform one or more host-based functions, you can re-use them throughout your organization. Also, if the host screens change, like moving a field on the host screen to a new position, you just modify the record in the Host table to reference the new row and column. That's it. No re-programming of a customized application, no re-distributing of software is required.
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