Future Enhancements:
Listed below are the planned enhancements to be
made to the Host-Access system in the near future.
If you have any possible additions to this list, we
welcome your opinions and comments relative to additional
features that you desire to see implemented.
Multiple Host terminal sessions will be utilized by
the Host-Access software. Currently, only one Host
terminal sessions is setup for the Screens array. The
Screens array is used to identify the currently displayed
host screen and maneuver it to the desired screen.
Although the Host-Access system can
handle multiple host sessions, the Screens array handling
needs to be improved. Implementing
multi-terminal capabilities will provide for increased
throughput to and from host terminal
Call Action in the Host table to have one form call
another to chain-link them together. This will allow
the system to make one call to the Host-Access system
to process one or many forms rather
than to have to provide programming to call several
forms at one time.
Provide a facility to allow the user to setup a multi-form
call to the Host-Access system. Call it a Host
Scenario. The user can store a scenario of forms under
a name and make a function call to process
many forms at one time.
Develop a form based facility to allow the user to
select which screen to go to and what form or forms
to execute when arrived on that screen. This will provide
user-controlled automation to the Host-Access
software rather than code-controlled host activity
that is currently implemented.
Design a menu-ing facility to completely automate all
specific Host-Access functions. With literally the
press of a button, the system will automatically signon
and retrieve Host-based information. This
will give the system the ability to provide the highest
level of control with the least user intervention.
Currently, this functionality is provided by custom
programming to fully automate the Host-Access