Appendix A - System Configuration Settings:
The settings below are used by the system to configure
and control the overall operation of the Automatic Email-Access
system. They are all contained in a table named tblEmailConfig
and are modified through the Email - System Maintenance
function, System Parameters. They are also specified
in each Email Batch configured by the end user. Many
of the settings can be configured by email batches and
are identified by the setting name underlined below.
The text in parenthesis defines the table field names
that contain the associated information.
Export Configuration Settings
Described below are the settings for the export of email
data and the types of formatting options available.
Many of these settings do not require modification due
to the fixed nature of the interface. The first four
settings below are most likely the ones to be modified
on a regular basis.
Default Export Directory - DefaultDir (Data) - The
drive and directory used to export the text email
files to. If blank, the directory that the MDB
is found will be used.
Export File Name Prefix - FilePrefix (Data)
- One to four characters used to generate the file name
of the exported emails. Each email generated will begin
with these characters and the count
of that email will be appended to it along with ".TXT"
(i.e., MAIL1.TXT, MAIL2.TXT, etc,)
Mail Opening Text - MailOpen (Description)
- Default Text to appear at the beginning of every email
generated using the System Default Opening. It is possible
to use an equal sign (=) as the first
character to carry out a function as used in MS-Access.
You may reference the data field names
to retrieve data from the emails and use it in the Opening.
Mail Closing Text - MailClose (Description)
- Default Text to appear at the end of every email
generated using the System Default
Closing. It is possible to use an equal sign (=) as
the first character to carry out a
function as used in MS-Access. You may reference the
data field names to retrieve data
from the emails and use it in the Closing. Remember
that any data referenced will be relative
to the last record on that email.
Header To Prefix - HeaderTo (Data) -
Text used as prefix for recipient name, usually
Header Subject Prefix - HeaderSubj (Data)
- Text used as prefix for email Subject, usually "Subject:"
Header Carbon Copy Prefix - HeaderCC (Data)
- Text used as prefix for email Carbon Copy,
usually "CC:"
Header Blind Copy Prefix - HeaderBC (Data)
- Text used as prefix for email Blind Copy, usually
Mail Footer - MailFooter (Description)
- Text to appear at the very end of all emails, after
MailClose. This is mainly used to
insert control codes into the email to indicate the
end of a individual email. EMC2 does
not use this option at this time.
Output Separation - OutputSep (Data) -
A or blank = All emails in one text file, S = creates
a separate text file for each recipient
Always Backup - BackupAlways (Data) - When
Output Separation is S (separate emails for each recipient)
this indicator (true or false) will either backup each
exported email (true) or only backup the
last one exported (false).
Output Length Maximum - OutputLen (Data)
- The Maximum Length allowable to be output for email.
This is coordinated with the Export Spec described earlier
in this document.
Output Format - OutputFmt (Data) - Specifies
the type of export format to use, (F)ixed or (D)elimited.
Delimited will place a comma after each line of email.
If Delimited is specified, you can specify
the Field Separator as a comma.
Field Separator - FieldSep (Data) - Access
function used to generate characters that are placed
in between each column of data
to separate fields in the body of the email, usually
"=Space(5)" or "=Chr$(9)"- Tab character
(do not include the quotes). If you specify Delimited
for the OutputFmt, you should use
a comma "," as the FieldSep.
Tab Length - TabLength (Data) - The number
of characters that a tab character represents. If the
Field Separator is a Tab character,
this is used to properly align text in columns for appearance.
This value is usually 4. If the value
is zero, no column alignment will occur even it Column
Alignment is turned on.
Column Width Maximum - ColWidth (Date)
- The maximum number of characters for a particular
column of data in the detail lines
of the Email Body section. Each column of data supplied
to the Auto Email system is evaluated
to determine the appropriate column width. If a text
or memo field is specified, in the
query that supplies the data, and the size of the field
is too long (greater than the max),
it will be truncated. This process prevents the overall
width of the email from getting too
big. This setting is usually somewhere between 20 and
Column Alignment - ColAlign (Data) - This
is True or False only, indicates whether to align the
fields in the email body for readability
(True) or for Copy and Paste (False) when using tabs
as field separators. If False, only
one tab character will be placed between fields which
will allow users to copy and paste
the data into Excel. If True, multiple tabs will be
placed between fields to align them
with one another. For column alignment to occur, the
Field Separator must be a tab, the
Tab Length must be greater than 0 and this field must
be true.
Column Width Add - ColWidthAdd (Data) -
Amount of character spaces to add to the end of columns
that use the calculated method to determine column widths.
When the length of certain field types
are larger or smaller than expected, the system checks
the next 5 different values in that
column to try to determine the largest value and then
the maximum column width. This process
will ensure that the data output for a column will fit
in that column. This value adds spaces
to the calculated length to provide for customized additional
spacing for column widths.
Header Line - HeaderLine (Data) - True or False,
outputs a heading line before the detail lines in the
Email Body section. This also includes a dashed line
after the heading line.
Display Prompts - Prompts (Data) - True
or False, displays prompt messages to user when automatically
generating emails. When generating multiple batches
of emails, this is automatically set
to false.
Display StatusBox - StatusBox (Data) -
True or False, displays the Status Box window to the
user when generating emails.
File Number Start - only used in Manual
Config. When creating text export files, the system
will start with the number specified.
File names
Email Form Configuration Settings
Listed below are the specific configuration settings
for the EMC2 Form, Return Address information. These
are only used on Email Forms.
Email Form - FormFormat (Data) - Not in
the Config table, only in Manual Config. True/False,
if true, configures email to sending
the Returned Email Form Information that enables an
email to be used as a form in EMC2.
Form To Default - FormTo (Data) - Text used
as default for Form, Return Address To party (recipient),
usually "" (blank). If blank, the system will automatically
place the email sender’s name as the
To party for the return address.
Form Carbon Copy Default - FormCC (Data)
- Text used as default for Form, Return Address for
the Carbon Copy recipients.
Form Blind Copy Default - FormBC (Data)
- Text used as default for Form, Return Address for
the Blind Copy recipients.
Form Subject Default - FormSubject (Data)
- Text used as default for Form, Return Address for
the Subject line.
Form Header From Prefix - FormHeaderFrom
(Data) - Text used as prefix for used Form from name,
usually "%From:"
Form Header To Prefix - FormHeaderTo (Data)
- Text used as prefix for Form To party (recipient name),
usually "%To:"
Form Header Carbon Copy Prefix - FormHeaderCC
(Data) - Text used as prefix for the Form Carbon Copy
name(s), usually "%CC:"
Form Header Blind Copy Prefix - FormHeaderBC
(Data) - Text used as prefix for the Form Blind Copy
name(s), usually "%BCC:"
Form Header Subject Prefix - FormHeaderSubj
(Data) - Text used as prefix for the Form Subject line,
usually "%Subject:"
Form Header Date Prefix - FormHeaderDate
(Data) - Text used as prefix for the Form Date line,
usually "%Date:"
Form Header Time Prefix - FormHeaderTime
(Data) - Text used as prefix for the Form Time line,
usually "%Time:"
Form From Default - FormFrom (Data) - Text
used as default for Form, Return Address sender name,
usually "&Name". "&Name" will automatically place the
email user’s name using the form
as the
From party. Always sent in emails that are Forms.
Form Date Default - FormDate (Data) - Text
used as the date stamp as to when the user uses the
form, usually "&Date".
Form Time Default - FormTime (Data) - Text
used as the time stamp as to when the user uses the
form, usually "&Time".
Form Send Date Default - SendDate (Data)
- True/False, if true, defaults to sending the Returned
Email Form Date.
Form Send Time Default - SendTime (Data)
- True/False, if true, defaults to sending the Returned
Email Form Time.
Email Import Configuration Settings
Listed below are the specific configuration settings
for the EMC2 Import information. These are only used
on Email downloaded from the Host Email system.
Email Form - Not in the Config table, only in Manual
Config. True/False, if true, configures email to sending
the Returned Email Form Information that enables an
email to be used as a form in EMC2.
Form Header From Prefix - FormHeaderFrom (Data)
- Text used as prefix for used Form from name,
usually "%From:"