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Email Import:
Email-Access provides for the automated downloading of emails from the email software and importing those files as data into MS-Access tables. Selected emails are downloaded to the PC as text files. Then Email-Access imports these files and interrogates them for any recognizable Email Import Form (or formats). Once the format is determined, the system then extracts the pertinent data into a table or query based on the identified Import Form. Two basic types of importing will occur, single record and multiple records or any combination of the two.
    Single Record - One record of data consists of multiple rows of email data. Each row of that email consists of one or more fields of information to be extracted. One email generates one record.
    Multiple Record - Data is organized into rows and columns where one row (or more) of email data comprises one record of data. One email generates multiple records.

As with the Email Export, the destination of the data extracted from emails resides in tables. The tables can be internal MS-Access tables or they can be "Attached" to the database. This provides for the use of other DBMS formatted databases with Email-Access. All major DBMS formats are supported. ODBC may be employed to further open the connectivity options.

Email Import Forms

Import Forms are collections of records that handle a specific email format. They are arranged in a certain order to provide information to the Import process needed to successfully import email data. The PC file used as the source of email data, the table used to append the email data to and the unique identification of the email is defined in the Import Form. The placement and format of each field of data to be extracted from an email is mapped out. These Import Forms are referenced and utilized throughout the Import process. It is important for you to understand the use and functionality of the Import Forms.

General Rules
   The File, Table and Header records must exist for every Import form created. This will provide to     the automated handling of Import Forms via the Import Form List.
   Only one File record is permitted. It is assumed that one email letter will be wholly contained     within one PC text file.
   Using the Same Field Name multiple consecutive times will append data to that field with each     new Get Action. You can reference any Row or Column desired but you must spell the Field Name     exactly the same for each consecutive Get.

File Record
This record specifies the PC text file (including path if not the default) used to supply the email(s) to be imported. There can be only one File record for each Import Form.
    Action - F
     Data - PC File name containing one or more emails to be imported. You may include the full path      if necessary. If no path is used, the system default will be used.

Table Record
This record specifies the table or select query used to store the imported email data to. Records will be appended to this table. There can be multiple Table records to provide for various mixed formats (row or column based data) in the same email.
    Action - T
     Data - Access Table or Query name to use to store imported records. All records imported are      appended to the source tables.

Header Record
This record specifies the first row to begin extracting data from an email. There can be multiple Header records to provide for various mixed formats (row or column based data) in the same email. Each different email format must have a series of unique characters that identify the particular email format to the system.
    Action - H
     Field Name - (C)olumn or (R)ow based data, Column means multiple records in one email, Row      means one record per email.
     Data - Text to search for that indicates beginning of email, flagged as Row Zero, NOT case      sensitive
     Row - # of rows per record for Column based data, many records on one page.
     Column - First Row following Header record to contain column based data, only used with      Column based data.

Manual Import Form
This form is the primary window used to supply configuration information to download selected emails and import the email data into tables. When this information is saved, it is given a name supplied by the user and becomes an Import Batch. Each Import Batch defined on the Manual Import form consists of a named, predefined setup including:
    Import Type - One import text file or Many import text files
    Import Form(s) - One Import Form or Many Import Forms to utilize
    The Text File Name to import, use of Wildcards for Many Import files is OK
    The Import Form or Multi-Form to apply to the Import Text File(s)
    The Table or Query used to append the imported email data into
    Import Configuration - Default Directory for text files, Automatic Download, etc.

This information is located in the Manual Import form displayed when you select Add or Edit from the Import Batch List form or Manual Import from the Email Import Menu.

Menu Options
Displays a list of the pre-configured Import Multi-Batches available in the system. Multi-Batches are used to provide the for the automated execution of multiple Import Batches. With the press of a button, you can download and import email data from different email applications with no user intervention. You can Add new Multi-Batches, Delete or Edit existing Multi-Batches, or execute a Multi-Batch from this list.

Import Batch
A list of the pre-configured Import Batches available in the system is displayed. Import Batches are used to provide the for the automated execution of a single email configuration (Batch). Here is where you link the Email Downloads with the Import Forms or Multi-Forms to automate the process. With the press of a button, you can download and import email data as specified in the saved Batch with no user intervention. You can Add new Batches, Delete or Edit existing Batches, or execute a Batch from this list.

A list of the pre-configured Multi-Forms available in the system is displayed. Multi-Forms are collections or groupings of Import Forms (defined below). You can Add new Multi-Forms, Delete or Edit existing Multi-Forms from this list. Multi-Forms are used to enable you to download a variety of email formats all at once and then check each email and identify the corresponding Import Form to apply to it.

Import Forms
Displays a list of the pre-configured Import Forms available in the system. Import Forms are used to provide the necessary information to the system to identify and extract data from emails in text files on your PC. Each "field" of email data is identified and used to interrogate each email and extract the desired information. You can Add new Import Forms, Delete or Edit existing Import Forms, or execute an Import Form from this list.

Manual Import
Displays the Email Manual Import window. This is where you will define the specific details required by the system to automatically download and import emails into the system for a specified set of data. This information including the configuration settings, once saved, represent an Email Import Batch. An Import Batch can import one or more emails as defined by the number of different emails referenced to process.

Email Downloads
Displays a list of the pre-configured Email Downloads available in the system. Downloads are used to provide the necessary information to the system to identify and download selected emails from the Email Server as a text file onto your PC. Emails can be selected by Date Range, Subject, From or To. You must also identify the Basket or Board to download from. If you choose a Conference or Bulletin Board, you must supply the exact name of it. You can Add new Email Downloads, Delete or Edit existing Downloads, or execute one from this list.

View Last Import
Displays a form containing the last email imported into the system. The email is as it was when it was imported as a text file. The Import and Export process both use the same table for handling emails. If the last operation performed in the system was an export, you will see that email and not the last imported.

View Addresses
Displays the table containing the Email Address information extracted from each email imported. The records are in chronological order. The system automatically scrolls you to the last record added to the table (the last transaction to occur).

View Transaction Log
Displays the table containing the Email Transaction Log. Email-Access keeps an ongoing log of all system activity. The system automatically scrolls you to the last record added to the table (the last transaction to occur).

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